
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pretty Jeweled Pumpkins {D.I.Y. Craft}

Last year I saw some pretty "bejeweled" pumpkins in a high-end home decor magazine.  I thought the decorative pumpkins were really beautiful, until I took a look the price... $200 for three pumpkins!!  In other words almost $70.00 per pumpkin!  They were pretty, but not quite that pretty!  Now by all means, if you have $200 to spend on decorative pumpkins, go for it!  But when I have $200 on hand I prefer to use it for much more glamorous gas and groceries!   
This year when I saw the same company selling the pumpkins again (they must have been a hit last year!), I just couldn't deny their beauty... so I made my own! 

My first thought was to use sticky-backed jewels (designed as scrapbooking embellishments), and I went to the store and bought a few packages of pretty black jewels and dressed up one pumpkin (not shown in this post).  When I went back to the craft store for more jewels, they were out of stock.  The scrapbooking jewels did work well, so if you can find enough of them (you'll need several packages per pumpkin), they are a good option for this craft.   

It took me a few moments to think of another way to get the same look (and for even less money than the sticky jewels)... glitter!  I found some gorgeous Martha Stewart brand glitter (in onyx), then grabbed a bottled of Martha Stewart craft glue, and headed home to get crafty!   
Want to make some pretty pumpkins?
Let's get started!

You'll need some nice looking faux pumpkins.  There is certainly no reason you couldn't use real pumpkins, but then they would obviously only last one season.  I chose orange pumpkins (simply because I wanted to duplicate the original photo I saw as closely as possible), but I think this craft would be gorgeous on white pumpkins as well!  I bought the pumpkins below from Michael's ($9 for the large, $6 for the small).

1.  You'll need some black glitter, and some craft glue.  I used Martha Stewart glitter in onyx and Martha Stewart craft glue, both available at Michael's. 
2.  Drop small dots of glue in a swirl patter of your choice.  

3.  While the glue is still wet, generously sprinkle the glitter over the glue.  Tap off excess glitter onto a sheet of newspaper or a craft tray of some kind.  There will still be some excess glitter, but don't worry about that for now.
4.  Once the glue if fully dry (about an hour), use a soft, dry paint brush to remove the remaining excess glitter. 

A few notes...
You'll want to adjust the size and style of the swirls as you work around the pumpkin.  Also, I found that I could only decorate about half of the pumpkin at a time, and then had to wait for the glue to dry, or I had no where to hold the pumpkin (without messing up my work).   

Here are two of my newly bejeweled pumpkins (and two pretty glassybaby candle holders).  The cost of the pumpkins I used was $9.00, $7.00 and $6.00.  The glitter was about $5.00 and the glue was under $3.00.  Total cost for three decorated pumpkins (with lots of glitter and glue left over!) was $30.00.  The original set of three pumpkins that inspired this craft are sold for $200.00.  I assure you I'll have no problem finding ways to spend my $170.00 savings!  =)

Happy Crafting!


  1. What an awesome idea, I love your pumpkins!

  2. Oh my gosh...these are amazing! I'm with you on $200 pumpkins, groceries and gas must come first. I can't wait to make these. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love those pumpkins! I don't know where you are located by here in the Los Angeles area, those pumpkins cost almost twice as much as you paid! Thank goodness for Michael's coupons. I'm going to give your idea a try!

  4. Grinning ear to ear! I am calling these recession punkins! {Humorously, these are beautiful}

  5. I love - love - love your pumpkins :)!!!!!

  6. Those are so fun and easy and cute and sparkly and and and...
    LOVE them!

  7. Can you adopt me awesome baker and those pumpkins....soooo pretty!

  8. Beautiful!!!!! I can't wait to try mine....Thank you for taking the time to show us!!

  9. I saw these in magazines too..I saw the scrapbook stickers but they were pricey..Im gonna try this! Thanks for inspiring..

  10. Lovely! What an elegant way to display the season without breaking the bank!

  11. Oh the endless possibilities with this idea. Thanks for the lovely inspiration!

  12. Just found your blog, and am really enjoying it! I love this idea and think it would look fabulous on white pumpkins!

  13. These are really pretty and simple to make. Thanks for the idea! I'll have to to do this after our annual visit to the pumkin farm! Love you!

  14. Love this! Was just looking at a magazine this weekend that had similar dressed up pumpkins - but they used real ones and push tacks/upholstery tacks. This I like better!

  15. Can you use school glue? I love this idea...

  16. Tatyana- I would recommend a thicker craft or tacky glue. I think school glue would possibly run, and also not create a nice dimmentional dot... but I can't stop you, so if you want to use what you have, go for it! =)

  17. These are so pretty and elegant. They are perfect for decorating a house with no small kids like mine. I like more "grown up" looking decorations and these are perfect!

  18. Very creative! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing! <3

  19. This is my first time to visit. I came. From Pinterest to see your pink swirl cake. I loved it and should try a purple one as my blog is Purple Chocolat Home! Love the pumpkins too. I have had fun spending a lot of time here!

  20. Hi Glory,
    I tried this today but just used a big Sharpie pen to make the dots. It turned out very nice. Thank you for the inspiration and the pictures - your swirls were perfect!

  21. Thank you for sharing this great idea. I have blogged and linked back to you from

  22. What a wonderful way to create a beautiful centerpiece at an affordable price!

  23. Great job, Glory! I saw a similar set of $200 pumpkins (white) in a catalog this year and clipped them, intending to DIY. I was tossing around a few ideas to achieve the look, but didn't think of glitter! Thanks for the inspiration!

  24. At first, I thought you used black thumb tacks.....

  25. What a fantastic idea!!! They're beatiful!

  26. I saw the same pumpkins last year in white and black, and made 3 of them. They actually ended up costing me about $50 to make (for the set), so this is an even more economical way to make them. Thanks! I think I used around 2000 of the stick on craft jewels, so they got costly!

  27. These pumpkins are fabulous! I wonder about using glitter clue or puffy paint.

  28. so cute design they look so pretty and you are so creative
