
Thursday, July 14, 2011

For the love of cake stands...

There is quite a list of earthly possessions I would love to have that I don't.   I don't have granite counter tops, I don't have pretty appliances (you've seen my kitchen, here).   I have never owned a designer handbag... or designer anything for that matter.  And if you have two bathrooms in your house, you have twice as many as I do!  But, if I ever start feeling sorry for myself, I can always go look at my 
Oh yes, my gorgeous little collection of cake stands!  (My husband might take issue with the words "little collection")  OK, so I may have a bit of a cake stand problem... 

And what a beautiful problem it is!! 
But wait... there's more....

And to be fair, there are actually a few (or a dozen) that I didn't pull out.  But come on... how can I say no to any of these... it would be like choosing a favorite child (OK, maybe I'm being slightly dramatic!)

I'm thinking there may be a few of you out there with my same "problem"... anyone?? 

To answer the many questions I get on where I bought specific stands...
A few things... I always try to link to the sources of my supplies when I post something new.  If I did not include any information on the "props" in a photo, it's usually because I've had the item for quite a while, and so it would be pointless to mention where I found it. 

So, I'll add a few specific links here, and also lots of general sources...
The set of three white square stands is from the Martha Stewart Collection at Macy's.
The tiny little cream/white individual cupcake stands I bought from a little store in Capitola, California, but I have seen them on line at Farmhouse Wares.
Most of the rest of mine are from e-Bay, Homegoods, Marshalls (TJ Maxx, Ross, etc).
Other places to check if you're looking to expand your collection are Target, Crate and Barrel, Hobby Lobby, and Sweet and Saucy Supply.
For any of my Australia readers, my dear friend Sharnel has a gorgeous collection of stands in her on-line shop, Sharnel Dollar Design

Oh, and to answer one more potential question, "where do you keep them all?".  I recently had my handy hubby transform our hall coat closet into a cake stand closet... what, you all have a "cake stand closet" don't you???


  1. I love cake stands! I wish I had your problem, yours are beautiful! I don't have space otherwise I would have more than you. :) I put them all over the house in cabinets, on a shelf in our guest bedroom and on a shelf in our office.

  2. oh my gosh were we separated at BIRTH!! I have a ton of cake stands and tiered trays and teapots and teacups..YIKES...You might see me on hoarders..tea party crazy ladies edition.....this is a fantastic post!!

  3. LOVE love love! I have a collection (obsession) starting and am only at 5 stands but I adore each one and have about 10000000 more pinned on Pinterest that I want! You're are stunning!!

  4. Ok-My name is Donna and I too am addicted to cake/3 tier stands and I thank the Lord every day we have a basement to store them in! LOL
    I am obsessed with tea and all that entails. LOVE your collection and confession!

  5. Your cake stand collection is beautiful, unique, and will showcase any dessert beautifully.

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  7. Yes, I have that problem too...right now I have several in my "wish list" on Amazon...have you seen the ones they have for sale??? You've got to check it out!! You have a beautiful collection!

  8. Have the same problem. I live near Sweet and Saucy and love their colored glass stands. I have a collection of white ones from Sur la Table. And.... well I could go on.... totally get it.

  9. Nope! I only have 12 or so! Some of these are to die for!

  10. i LOVE your collection! my family does not understand either...mine is piling too :)

  11. They're all gorgeous! Maybe I should be lucky that all my stands are 'mini'; they're for my cucpakes!

  12. What a gorgeous collection! It makes me giddy:)

  13. You have a problem I wish I had ;)Those cake stands are BEAUTIFUL!
    I love cake stands but I have only 1, because I haven't seen any I like where I live and to order them online becomes too expensive once one add shipping + customs.

  14. I share your cake stand addiction! Wouldn't it be fun to have a cake stand party on flickr?

  15. I love the pink one with the fancy teardrop crystal edge. Beautiful collection!

  16. I have the same problem, I just blogged about it :), but I own only 3 cake stands... just because I have no more room in the house. I saw some cute ones at a couple of months ago and I keep thing about it. It's like I they're ment to be, right? You have a very nice collection, I love it. Thanks for the idea of decorating the cupcakes from Hidrangea cupcakes, they look lovely. I made mine with raspberry cream. Have a wonderful week-end!

  17. I must be the only person in the world to not have a cake stand will transform one whenever I get a collection like is superb!

  18. Love your cake stands...very jealous of them!! I would love to have even one of your amazing collection!! :D now I have a mission to find one or two...I really want to have them for my brother's wedding (if that happens any time soon)...they are so pretty!

  19. I'll trade you some granite counter tops for a few of the cake stands. I seriously DISlike granite counter tops. Ugh. I don't have a one cake stand and I really can't believe that! LOL

  20. Gorgeous cake stands. Oh my, how do you choose?

  21. I think you should start a cake stand addiction group. We all seem to have the same bug!
    I am soooo envious of your beauties. Here is a link that I had on my blog last year about my (small but loved!) collection of cake stands!

  22. I'm possitively drooling over you cake stand collection. The minis are so darn cute!!!!!!!

  23. Your collection is gorgeous and I am in cake stand envy. Sadly enough, I have 1 and my husband would die if I bought home another. I've been looking at a few at my local 'Christmas Tree Shops' and I may be able to sneak one into the house in a few weeks when he'll be distracted with his college finals. LOL!

    Your collection is beautiful!!!

  24. I have cake stand envy.
    I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I am. I can't help it.

  25. I started my Google Reader, saw that you posted something new and I was like “OH! cake stands!” Reading on I had to giggle. I too have a cake stand collection; however, I just started mine and only have two :-/ LOL. I did go to Half Moon Bay (California) recently in hopes of finding a really cool unique one at one of my favorite antique shops……They totally tore down the beautiful glass yard and reduced its building size and half was moved across town. Word was they sold part of it. I was so truly disappointed :-(

    My husband asks me, why are you getting a cake stand? You already have the white one that you can put ribbon in and would be sufficient for all cakes. Hmmmm, I didn’t have the heart to tell him about my new idea of a cake-stand collection (after all it was his 50th birthday. No need to ruin it with thoughts of more clutter.)

    I LOVE your collection. You’ve inspired me to get started. Hmmmmm, I do like the idea of the cake-stand closet (I want one of those!) Sorry honey (to the husband)

  26. I love how some of yours are so unique. I too have an obsession which my family thinks is hilarious. I just picked up 2 yesterday from Hobby Lobby that are for my small cakes (6") or for stacking to make a mini cupcake stand. Anyway it's nice to know I'm not collection which is on a shelving unit in my laundry room - lol. Mine is really just getting started after all I only have around a dozen and I still don't have a pink or blue or...well you know. :)

  27. JEALOUS!!! I usually go the DIY route with styrofoam rounds and a hot glue gun. But seeing your collection has inspired me to start buying "the real deal" so that I no longer have to create more work for

  28. Cute post Glory. I do have granite counter tops (as of last year finally) but I only have one lonely cheapie cake stand from Target. I'd love to have a cake stand obsession, especially that pink one of yours, but nowhere to store that obsession. I'll stick with my cookie cutter obsession ;-) Thanks for sharing your fun post and beautiful cake stands!

  29. the pink one is my FAVORITE! but i love them all. we registered for some of those little cupcake dome stands at Belk and I hope we get them - they are so CUTE!

  30. Love the collection! I have close to 30 myself. Different colors and sizes, mostly antique from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Love them and, as addictions go, it is pretty tame. Although I do sometimes dream about finding cake stands in the back of small dusty antique shops...but I don't have a problem and you don't either. ;)

  31. what a gorgeous collection you have!

  32. Love them all!!! I don't have a place to store all of mine so I recently emptied my china cabinet to put them in there for now.

  33. That so so funny i thought i was the only one with this problem !I buy them and have to hide them from my husband Lol.yours r just stunning !Not a big choice here in New Zealand , So glad i am not the only one with the addiction he he!

  34. I am soooo glad to know that there are others like me! While I don't have quite the collection that you do, I am working on it! The cake stand closet is a great idea, I will have to work on that!

  35. Cake stands brought us of my first questions to you was about the square martha set :-) time when I say monday, take whatever I say and do the opposite!

  36. Nice collection! I only own one cake stand but there is room for more, well not really... let's just say they're on my wishlist ;-)

  37. I'm so jealous. Your stands are gorgeous! If you ever get tired of them you know where to find me!

  38. ARRRGGGHH!!! I love this post Glory. Love the pearl edged ones, they are so so pretty. xx

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I envy you! Oh how I wish that were my problem :) Love, love. LOVE!!

  41. Glory, you have such a pretty collection!!! and i have to say i completely understand the obsession because i have a bit of a cake stand collection going well as quite a few cookie jars:-) and i love that your husband made your coat closet into a cake stand closet..its funny because my husband just did the same thing for me this summer, except mine holds cookie cutters:-)

  42. Jealous!!!! That's an amazing collection. I'm slowly working on mine. Stands can be expensive 

  43. I beg to differ! You have a Vera Bradley purse and that is designer in my opinion! And I have also seen your closet full of treasures and I would take that over a second bathroom any day!
    Love you!

  44. Your cake stands make me so very happy! I only have one cake stand...I'm thinking I need more! Hahaha....but seriously I loved this post! I'm living vicariously through you!

  45. I am having serious Cake Stand envy. You have many gorgeous pieces!! Thanks for sharing.

  46. I LOVE your cake stands and I am insanely jealous of them all...especially the crystal ones, with the round balls on the ends! It reminds me of my grandma's.

  47. I cleared out my linen closet and keep my stuff in there.

  48. I totally have this addiction as well! My addiction just started! :) I've only got three, and not even enough room for them! :(

  49. Love all your cake pedestals I have a small obsession with collecting them as well but you definitely have me beat! I need a cake stand closer, great idea!

  50. I have the same problem.... I only have probably 10 but I fall in love with them all the time. If I could sneak them in i would..

  51. Nice photos.
    Keep up the good work.
    Nice blog on Cake stands

  52. I've been making cake stands by gluing a candlestick to a plate. You can customize to your preferences/

  53. Oh how I love this cake stands. Here in Portugal is so dificult to get them... Love your blog, congrats! You can check my facwbook pageçúcar/282990401713462
    I started last month so there's a lot of good things that I will publish soon.
    My blog will be created very soon.
    xxx Sofia

  54. Fantastic job.
    The cake stands are so lovely.
    They are good enough to make the cake look delicious.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Keep sharing more and more.

  55. I love your cake stands with the ruffled edge and saw somewhere on your site that you found them at Costco. Just wanted to let everyone know that I found some very similar today at Costco. They came in green in addition to white.
