
Sunday, January 2, 2011

{Pretty Places} The Ribbonerie, San Francisco

While we all spend the week eating celery (oh happy day!) I thought I would start off the year with on of my favorite calorie-free indulgences... Ribbon!
After spending many years as a floral designer I became accustomed to having racks and racks of ribbon available to me.  Now that I'm no longer working in a flower shop, I've gathered my own personal collection that easily rivals that of any upscale store!  I buy ribbon at craft stores, fabric stores, scrapbooking stores, Costco, Wal-mart, and anywhere else I can find it! 

When my friend Sharnel and I were planning our shopping adventures in San Francisco last fall, one of the stops on our list was a store called The Ribbonerie. (Read about a few of our other stops HERE and HERE).  The name alone sold me, but after a bit more research I knew this was no ordinary store.  With expectant hearts, Sharnel and I entered the store and there it was... rows and rows of ribbon... dots and stripes, satin and grosgrain, new and vintage, every shade of every color you've ever imagined! 
We had walked into ribbon HEAVEN! 

We spent the next hour just taking it all in, enjoying simply being surrounded by such beauty.  Not only is the ribbon itself incredible, but the ribbon is all displayed in the most beautiful and unique antique ribbon racks and shelves.  If you are ever in San Francisco, The Ribbonerie is certainly worth a special stop.        

Above is gorgeous Sharnel, (proof that I knew her before she met Oprah!) among the beautiful ribbon. 
We were both in our happy place here! 

All images by Glory Albin, taken (with permission) in The Ribbonerie, San Francisco, California. 


  1. That place looks amazing Glory, I have to go there! I, like you, have always had a bit of an obsession for ribbon. I have boxes full myself, and I used to have even more. My girls never left the house when they were little w/out a handmade bow in their hair, I even used to sell them! Looks like you girls had a ton of fun!

  2. Ever since I was little I loved ribbons..I had short hair at about 5 years old and envied girls with long hair partly 'cos they got to choose ribbons to put in their hair! Then when I was older I had a heap of ribbons for my hair...until those ropey things came the 70's...then I grew up. Now I just use them in sewing when I can!

  3. I love that shop. I want in there...

  4. I always visit ribbon and craft stores and fall in love! So vibrant.

    Enjoy your celery ;)

  5. wow seventh heaven indeed!! its on my list of places to visit. TFS

  6. Wow stunning!!!
    I could actually live in there :)

  7. Ribbon heaven here I come, well maybe not, as I am in the UK - I can always dream though.....x

  8. Ohhh my gravy! That is purrrrrty!!! Thank you for sharing the fact of this place's existence!

  9. Oh my gosh...what an awesome place!! That would be heaven for me too...I love to look at ribbon!

  10. Wow ~ that's alot of ribbon! So pretty. BTW - I am eating carrot sticks right now :)

  11. how fun! I loved thinking how much fun that must have been for you two. Can't wait to see what you do with your latest ribbons!

  12. Oh my goodness! This looks like heaven!!! :)

  13. These photos are gorgeous! I love ribbon! I just want to jump through my computer to the store! I am so jealous that you went without me!
    Love, Cecilia

  14. I'm very happy I discovered your blog via the white library via celebrations at home via bakerella.
    I'm looking forward to reading your blog and gleaming your expertise for our future family parties. Thanks for the previous post about the favorites of 2010. You did some amazing parties; especially Grace's candy party.
    Happy New Year.
    from a new reader. AL in Calif.

  15. I am SOOO glad this place does not exist anywhere near Austin. I'd be in heaps of trouble...and broke.

  16. Ooh La Lovely!
    Thank you for sharing this feast for the eyes, what a treat!

    Felicity x

    PS Visiting via Sharnel's

  17. Sharnel said to come on over and pay you a visit and I am sure glad I did! Love your blog.

  18. I love youre blog! Big hugs from sweden!

  19. I would love to have a store like that somewhere aroung the dallas area!! im going to start looking! what an awesome store!

  20. I would love to have a store like that somewhere aroung the dallas area!! im going to start looking! what an awesome store!

  21. Wow - I wish we had a place like this in Norway. There are just a few places to buy ribbons here and the options are not great.
    I now know where to go if I'm ever in San Fransisco....

    I just found you blogg yesterday and I'm having a lot of fun looking through it. A lot of grat ideas - loving it :-)

  22. Oh my! I would be in 7th Heaven in a store like that! I love ribbon. If I ever get to SF, I definitely know where I'm going :)
