
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Warm and Welcoming Fall Displays

Long before I even knew what a blog was, let alone had one, I spent time on a photo sharing site called Flickr.  I discovered a community of some of the most talented people... artists whose medium is sugar!  It was through Flickr that my baking skills really flourished.  I know that my skills as a baker have grown by leaps and bounds as a direct result of the inspiration and encouragement I found on Flickr! 
One of the most talented sugar artists I've ever seen is a cookie decorator named Maryann Rollins, or as we know her on Flickr, "Cookie Artisan".  Take a look at her gorgeous cookies HERE.  If you don't have time to see them all now, take some time soon to come back and really marvel at her incredible skills!  I have  marveled at and studied every photo she has posted over the last 2 years and I get excited ever time she posts a new one! 

Today I want to do a little show-and-tell of another side of this talented woman... her home decorating skills.  Maryann and her family love Halloween and have lots of fun together each year creating an array of beautiful Jack-o-lanterns.  Maryann has been gracious enough to let me share some of her beautiful outdoor displays.  The photo at the top of the post, and next three (below) are from a previous home on the east coast.  The bottom photo is from her current home, in Oklahoma.

Enjoy these gorgeous, welcoming displays....

Thank you Maryann
Happy fall decorating everyone!

(All images by Maryann Rollins- Do not use without permission)


  1. Glory, I too have enjoyed looking at her cookie photos over the past couple years, and all of your work as well. Now I am enjoying your blog too! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of her homes, great Fall inspiration!

  2. It's unbelieveable how many people get into halloween! It's just not really done here in Australia; so it's really fun to see.

  3. It looks amazing, I love fall decorations, this is beautiful

  4. What fun! I would love to pull up to my house and see all of that fabulous decor everyday!!!!!

  5. How wonderful does that look?
    I have just been up to my local food shops here in Sydney Australia and for the first time ever saw carving pumpkins like the ones in the photo for sale. At the cost of $25 each I sure won't be buying any!!!!
    How much are pumpkins in America? Are they this expensive? because if they are that is a really costly display!!

  6. She is AMAZING! Martha Stewart;s secret sister I tell you!

  7. Those photos got me in the holiday spirit. Thanks for sharing.

    Plan B
