
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Treats...and off to San Francisco!

I have a full list of chores to complete before I head to bed tonight.   But then tomorrow, oh glorious tomorrow, I'm off for a long weekend of FUN!!  I'm heading to San Francisco to meet up with a wonderful friend... who I've never meet before!  I've been internet friends with Sharnel, of My Life My Loves for several years, but since we live on different continents (me in the U.S. and Sharnel in Australia), we've yet to meet in person.  Well, that will change tomorrow!  We have a full weekend planned, including lots of shopping, chatting, and eating!  And as if that wasn't enough, we have plans to meet up with three other lovely bakers and/or bloggers. 

So I'll leave you this week with a few baking projects... here are some of my fall favorites.  For the recipes, click on the title below each photo.

Happy Baking!


  1. Have fun, Glory! I'm fan of Sharnell's work, too... and San Francisco, that's where I spent my Honeymoon... I left my ♥ in SF!!

  2. Wow! How exciting! Have a wonderful time. Since I also live overseas, this gives me hope that someday I will meet some of my internet friends too!

  3. Hope you have a great time!!! And thanks for sharing such great recipes!!!.......I definitely want to try the pumpkin cookies and cupcakes!!! :o).....

  4. Those Cinnamon-Sugar Mini Cupcakes look sooooo yummy!

  5. Just found your blog a few days ago and I LOVE IT!!! I love your tips and instructions for decorating cookies and just about everything else on here too.

  6. Have fun in SF! I hope you eat lots of lovely things...its a foodie paradise.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Have fun Glory! You will have the best time! Talk to you when you get back!!

  9. I am stressing trying to figure out which of these amazing desserts to make first! For sure pumpkin cookies, but then there are the chocolate crinkles...then I clicked on cowboy cookies and those sound fantastic! I may need a new wardrobe after I eat all of this! Yummmmm, thanks! Decisions, decisions...
