
Saturday, February 27, 2010

{Recipe} Cream Cheese Frosting

Today, I'd like to share a recipe with you. Not just any recipe... a frosting recipe I have used dozens (maybe even hundreds) of times, and I love it each time! There are two reasons I love this recipe... one is that it's really, really easy, and the second is that it's really delicious! While I do also enjoy other styles of frosting, like Swiss Meringue Buttercream, Fluffy 7 Minute Frosting, or Whipped Ganache, this recipe for Cream Cheese Frosting is easier than any other. This is basically American style buttercream (which is butter, powdered sugar, milk), but with the addition of cream cheese. The cream cheese is really the key ingredient, since it helps off-set the sweetness of the powdered sugar, and adds to the creaminess of the butter while also removing the greasy, pure butter flavor. Another thing I really like about this recipe is that if you use these proportions, the frosting is not really over powered by the cream cheese, it take on the flavor of whatever extract or additional flavorings are added.

Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting
½ cup (1 stick/8 Tablespoons) butter (set at room temp about 10 minutes, but should still be cool)
8 oz. cream cheese (directly from fridge)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (always use pure vanilla extract if possible)
4 cups powdered confectioners sugar
1 to 4 Tablespoons heavy cream, heavy whipping cream (or milk- although I do like the richness that cream adds)

*Place butter in a large mixing bowl and blend slightly. Add cream cheese and blend until combined, about 30 seconds.
*Add vanilla extract and powdered sugar and blend on low speed until combined. Increase to medium speed and beat until it begins to get fluffy.
*Slowly add the heavy cream, a little bit at a time until desired consistency is met. (Don't add too much if you want the frosting to stay in place when piped on cupcakes.)
*Beat until fluffy, about 1 minute.
*Use at once or keep refrigerated. (This frosting will keep well in the refrigerator for several days, but you may need to re-beat it for the best texture.)

The recipe above will produce a delicious VANILLA flavored frosting, here are a couple of other options to try...

For a Stronger Cream Cheese Flavor: Use an additional 4 oz. (½ block) of cream cheese. This is good for any cake/cupcake recipe that is traditionally topped with Cream Cheese Frosting, like Carrot Cake, or Red Velvet Cake.

For Chocolate Frosting: (my favorite!) add ½ cup unsweetened cocoa (I use Ghirardelli brand, it's really good). Add the cocoa powder before adding the powdered sugar, so it gets fully incorporated into the butter and cream cheese.

Strawberry, Blackberry, etc: Add 2-4 tablespoons of preserves. Depending on how chunky or seedy the preserves are, you may want to blend it in the food processor, and/or strain it through a fine strainer before adding it to the frosting. Add the preserves to the frosting mixture before adding the heavy cream. Depending on the amount of preserves you add you may need very little or no cream, especially if you want the frosting thick enough to pipe. A final option would be to add a drop of food coloring to add to the color of the preserves (for example, pink coloring for the Strawberry flavor).

* This recipe will frost about 22-24 cupcakes if you are piping a nice swirl, or even more if you just spread it on. If you're making a cake, this will frost and fill a two layer 9" cake.


  1. stopping by to say hi and welcome to the blogging world!



  2. Was wondering what tip you use to pipe the frosting on? Also, is there a special way (start in the middle or start on the outside?) Just curious? THANKS! ~Mary

  3. Almond and Lemon Extract are also good instead of vanilla!! Mm, this is pretty much the frosting I use on my cinnamon rolls.

  4. Glory, this is consistently a wonderful recipe that I use time and time again as well. Thanks for sharing it again (of course I have it memorized by now, lol). Glad to see you blogging! Welcome!

  5. Whats the equivelant of 8oz cheam cheese in grams?

  6. Thank you each for your comments!

    Mary- I usually use a Wilton 1A tip (it's an large open star tip). For my swirls I start on the outside and swirl around toward the center. I'll be doing upcoming posts that will go into even more detail, but that should get you started.

    (Annonymos)- According to what I just looked up, 8 oz. of cream cheese should be equivalant to 227 grams.

    Thanks for the questions.

  7. Glory...I too have memorized your delicious cream cheese frosting & have made it too many times to remember. It's the only one I use & all my critics rave about it. I added your blog to my favourites so I can visit you regularly. I too have started to contemplating starting a blog sometime soon.

    I love all your amazing work on flickr.


  8. Hi...I just have to try this it looks great. 8 oz is approx. 226 grams. :)

  9. Hi Glory! Just wanted to tell you I stumbled across your frosting recipe while looking for a chocolate frosting that DOESN'T taste like just cocoa powder straight from the can, and your chocolate cream cheese frosting is wonderful - the consistency is heavenly and I love how all the flavors are balanced. I made a "test batch" for my husband to try and he gave it two big thumbs up. So your frosting is going to top the chocolate cupcakes at my daughter's 2nd birthday party next week! Thank you for sharing it! :)

  10. What tip did you use to pipe the frosting? They look sooo yummy.

  11. Lori- Thanks for the nice comment. I usually use a Wilton 1M tip to frost my cupcakes, it's a large, open star tip. Also, make sure to not add too much liquid (cream or milk) to the frosting, or it will not hold up very well when you try to pipe it.

  12. i'm so trying this when i get the chance !

    i adore your blog <3

  13. Sounds great! Can you leave this on the counter overnight or does it have to be refrigerated? I've just never refrigerated cupcakes and curious if they can be made the night before and left out. Thanks!

  14. Nicole-
    You can leave the cupcakes out, either loosly covered or just open. The sugar in the frosting acts as a preservative, so the cream cheese will not go bad. If you are making these in really warm weather I sometimes put the freshly frosted cupcakes in the fridge just for a little while (15-20 minutes) for the frosting to firm up a bit. This seems to help the frosting from melting off the cupcakes later (in warm weather).

    For the freshest taste, if I am baking the cupcakes the night before, I will wait to frost them until the day they will be eaten.

  15. Thank you for sharing your cream cheese frosting recipe. I'm dying to try it using some crushed Oreos for a cookies and cream flavor!

  16. Thank you sooo much for sharing, this is always a challenge for me. I think I will make a cake just because!!! LOL!!!

  17. Hello Glory, sorry to bother you, I'm from Romania, I turned in grams but I wanted to be sure that 4 cups of powdered sugar mean 440 grams, it seemed too much, and I want to make sure.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  18. Hi Glory,
    Once the cupcakes are frosted, how long will they survive refrigerated and non-refrigerated? Thanks!

  19. Anonymous- Bottom line is cupcakes always taste the absolute best the day they are made. If I am short on time, I may bake my cupcakes the day before, and then frost them the day of an event. The cream cheese frosting will be fine (once on a cupcake) in the frige or out on the counter for a day or two. In fact it will last longer than that, but it will be a bit dry on the outside, and would not be apropriate for a party.
    Happy Baking!

  20. hey glory, i just used your chocolate frosting for wedding-cuppies, and everybody loved it!!! to be honest i reduced the sugar (american receipes are often a bit to sweet for german tongues) - but nevertheless the texture was just perfect. i had some leftovers, and the next day i brought it to a brunch - the girls just ate the frosting as if it was mousse au chocolat!!! ;)
    thank you so much!

  21. Hi Glory,
    Tried the frosting with jam but it was very runny - refrigerated it but didn't have much time - any suggestions for making it less runny without having to refrigerate it if you need to frost right away?
    Thanks, Cathy

  22. Anonymous- If your frosting is too soft it's some combination of the ingredients being too warm, and too much liquid added. Next time, try adding the jam before adding any cream, and then see if any cream is needed. Also, make sure the butter and cream cheese are very cool when you start. Once you add all your ingredients if it's too soft, you can always add a bit more powdered sugar, but it is highly preferable to just refrigerate the frosting and wait for it to firm up.

    1. Hello Glory. I'm based in the UK and I just want to deeply thank you for sharing your cake recipes. So far ive only tried your chocolate cupcakes and frosting, and believe me I've tried a few, and it is outstanding. You have helped made me into a confident cupcake baker. Thank you!!!!

  23. Hi Glory,
    I saw the whipped strawberry filling inside the cupcake. Can you give the recipe and measurement how to make it. It looks so good!!! Thanks :-)

  24. Hi...I made the chocolate version using Ghirardelli cocoa like you, but my icing was much lighter in color than yours pictured above.
    Not sure why?

  25. Hello!!! Thanks for sharing such delicious recipes!!! I also did the chocolate cream frosting using Ghirardelli's cocoa like you did and it also came out pretty light in color and it didn't taste very sweet.......I didn't know if I was supposed to add the vanilla extract, so I did, but didn't add much sweetness to it. Anyways everybody loved my cupcakes, but you could you please tell me if I'm supposed to add the vanilla extract or not.........Thanks in advance and Congratulations for being so TALENTED!!!..... :o)

  26. To- Anonymous and Susana-
    In regards to the color, the longer you beat the frosting, the lighter it will be, so you may have beat it a bit longer than I usually do.

    As for taste- I can't quite believe the frosting was sweet to you... did you add all four cups of powdered sugar? If you want, I'm sure you could add in one more cup of sugar.

    Also, yes the vanilla extract should be added even to the chocolate version. It wont add any sweetness, just a little boost in flavor.

    I'd love to hear if you give it another try.
    Happy Baking!

  27. This is one of my favorite frostings to make! Most people usually comment that it is not overly sweet. I like all the variations you posted too:) Your blogs is one of my favorites.

  28. I have always have difficulty making frosting and their flavors. This is a nice help you have here. Thanks a lot.

  29. that was really gorgeous! and the fact that your frosting seem so smooth is really enviable. how do you manage that?

  30. This frosting recipe is incredible. The flavours mix so well, and it has great consistency. The pictures are fantastic.

  31. Thanks for this great and easy recipe, I will try the frosting right now :-) Laura from Germany

  32. These look divine! I love all versions of this cupcakes! I am so gonna try that cream cheese frosting. Thanks so much for sharing!

  33. Gloria my name is Starla, I'm from Florida. Your work you post is so brillant. Have you ever thought of auditioning for Cupcake Wars, or just opening up your own cupcake store front, or doing an online ordering site. You could be a millionare with your skills!!!!Don't let opportunity pass you buy. Your items are extremely professional looking, and I'm pretty sure the taste lives up to the look....I'm just saying!!!!Great job girl....

  34. Hi there! I love your blog and these look really awesome! I've struggled with globby cream cheese frosting for a long time and finally was about to make a somewhat firm one. But what I really want to achieve is actually cream cheese frosting that is soft and fluffy yet can be piped in blobs like in this photo Do you happen to have any suggestions either in terms of preparing or piping the frosting to get this result? Thanks in advance!

  35. Thats so much for sharing your icing recipe with the web. I made red-velvet cupcakes (for my class tomorrow) and I've always had a hard time piping icing (its a consistency thing). Anyways, your delicious icing piped beautifully!

    Thank you oodles!! <3

  36. hi GLORY , I want to try ur cream cheese frosting as i want to create the exact swirls like uv made. could u please tell me the brand of cream cheese u r using . is it philiadelphia? is it the spreadable version or the original one available as a block in a silver foil. coz i made a cream cheese frosting b4 but it wasnt as stiff. it turned out into a pasty texture. thanx a lot.

    this is the recipe i used:

  37. hi i am nina from and I was wondering, is it normal that this frosting is not drying at all? Even the next day it is still "wet". A Buttercream frosting for example did dry when i tried it out.
    did i do something wrong or is it supposed to stay wet?
    many greetings

    p.s. if you'd like to post a guest post on our community organic/recipe blog, let us know :)

  38. Nina- I'm not quite sure why your frosting would not get a bit of a crust to it... as mine always does. I might suggest adding less liquid, or putting the frosted cupcakes in the fridge for just 15 minutes or so, and the frosting should set up.

  39. Hi Glory !! I just found out your blog and is really wonderful!!

    So I decided to start doing some of your recipes and choose the chocolate cupcakes, they are amazing!! Loved them ...

    But I have a question regarding the frosting, hope you can help ... I did it and the taste was as if I was eating the powdered sugar only ... I followed the instructions and think did not missed anything .. do you know what could be my error? the mixer?? I dont know ... :(

    Thanks for sharing all this .. :)

  40. Hi Glory! Thanks for sharing this info. I made a red velvet cake, and I'm hoping this frosting will work so I can pipe the roses on it like Amanda from i am baker's rose cake. We shall see. It was pretty gloppy. I have it setting up in the fridge now. Hope it will work. It is for my parents' 40th wedding anniversary. :-)

  41. can a hand mixer handle this recipe??? i don't have a fancy counter top mixer... and i heard that these recipes (and the royal icing one) can be hell on a hand mixer ...

  42. Hi! I would like to know if this recipe can be use on outdoor parties during hot summer temperatures?

  43. My daughter and I made this recipe tonight. It's really good. We only used 3 c. powdered sugar because we didn't want it to be "too" sweet. That left us with a little more cream cheesey flavor! We decided next time we might use 3/4 block cream cheese. We used 2 Tbsp heavy whipping cream.
    We had enough frosting for 18 cupcakes, with plenty left over that would probably cover 24.
    We also used a hand mixer, and while it was really bogging down a time or two, we were able to work through it by lifting the rotors out of the mix until all the frosting was flung out and then reworking it.
    Good recipe- thanks! =)

  44. hmm... I just made this recipe and it's VERY sloppy (didn't use any liquid). I used lite cream cheese... was that a fatal error that can't be fixed.....?

  45. @Rachel- Reduced fat products often have extra water added, so that may be an issue. The only other issue could be that your butter (and cream cheese) were too warm, (they should be cool or cold). After mixing the frosting, put the whole bowl in the fridge for 15 minutes or so, and it should firm up.

  46. Hi Glory,
    Can you tell me how I can stabilize the cream cheese frosting? I'll be using your chocolate cream cheese frosting recipe to frost cupcakes that I will be donating for a bake sale at work. I just want to make sure that the frosting will not melt. Thanks in advance.

  47. Thank you so much for posting your recipes! I used the chocolate cream cheese icing this week and it was loved by everyone who tried it. I look forward to each of your creative and informative posts.
    Thank you!!!

  48. Hi Glory,
    I was planning on making your cupcakes in a jar...with your cream cheese frosting. I want the frosting to be orange, when should I put in the orange food coloring? Thanks so much!

  49. Would this frosting hold up in warm weather?

  50. Hi Glory, do you sift the powdered sugar whenever you make frosting? Also, if I used 1/3 less fat cream cheese frosting, would that make a difference? I'm planning to make your frosting recipe this weekend for Christmas party. Thanks!

  51. Hi Glory :)
    I just made this frosting, but it separated very badly as soon as I finished beating it. I didn't add much cream, as recommended, and I refrigerated it to stiffen it up, but it was still separated. I added some icing sugar but tht didn't help either. It wasn't hot in the kitchen, and I followed the instructions to the letter. Has anyone else had this issue? Do you have any advice? Thanks :)

  52. I am SO excited to have found your blog! I feel like I have 5,000 new like-minded friends! I LOVE baking, frosting, and pretty treats! I found you looking for the perfect cupcake recipe, and can't wait to try it!!!Thank you!

  53. I've made traditional cream cheese frosting many times and it is great. I made your version in chocolate and it was heavenly!! I only had whole milk on hand, can only imagine how good it is with whipping cream. Thanks for sharing.

  54. Hi, I'm Lucy from Hawaii. I just made a batch of the cc frosting but it is too soft that I don't even need to add any milk. I put the frosting on the cupcake with a round tip, the frosting just cannot hold. I tired again after put the frosting into the fridge for 20 mins and put some more sugar, but the result is the same. I used Philadephia cream cheese and Challenge unsalted butter and about 200g of confectioner's sugar. Did I miss something here? How can I make it firm?? Thanks.

  55. I just stumbled onto this blog and I'm so grateful I did!! This vanilla frosting is the ABSOLUTE BEST frosting I've ever had! I only have a hand mixer, and found that the frosting kept climbing up the beaters (I think it was getting too thick), so I had to alternate whole milk and powdered sugar. I haven't piped with it yet but it looks like it is going to be great to work with :). Thank you so much for sharing!

  56. I used this recipe for my son's birthday yesterday and everyone was wild over the frosting. I did it in a Food Processir because I didn't think the mixer could handle the cream cheese. Two thumbs up! Now I need a good place to learn how to decorate. Any ideas?

  57. I also have been hunting for a great chocolate sponge recipe so tired this the other night in aid of valentine's day. Was so happy with the results. It was rich and has great substance to it..will defs be passing it on to friends :)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This recipe is exactly like the icing recipe I use. It's also great on top of cinnamon rolls. Thank you for the tip about the preserves! Neat idea, I can't wait to try it!

  60. If I don't have preserves, can I use jam instead? And if I use jam, should I put less sugar? Thank you.

  61. Can this frosting be frozen like buttercream?

  62. Thanks for this recipe so simple and so delicious. Greetings from the vicinity of Bilbao in the Basque Country, Spain

  63. I just made this recipe and it turned out perfect. Thank you for sharing. Love your blog.

  64. This recipe is perfect! I substituted the vanilla with a key lime oil and it turned out amazing!

  65. Thanks for the great recipe. Just wondering, could I add some meringue powder to "hold" the cream cheese just as how it helps buttercream get crusted?

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  67. Hi there,

    I love your blog and I was really hoping that this frosting recipe would work for me as well as it seems to have worked for everyone else but unfortunately no matter how many times I've tried it, it's turned out runny and simply too sweet. I use Philadelphia cream cheese, I'm as precise as can be with the quantities, I keep the cream cheese and the butter cool....I can't imagine what I could have possibly done wrong. The only remedy for runny frosting that the internet seems to have is to add more sugar, but 4 cups of sugar is already too sweet as it is. I really hope that you might have some advice for me. I'd appreciate it. Thank you so much!

  68. Hi Glory, i just started following your blog, and i love it! You are really talented. I was just wondering, do you think i could substitute the heavy cream with coconut milk?

    Love your blog,

  69. So sorry very beginner here what is powdered confectioners sugar (is that icing sugar?)and all purpose flour? (is that a plain flour?) Thanks so muc I want to do these for Mothers Day.

  70. @Sharon G- In the U.S. it's labeled Powdered sugar, or confectioners sugar, its white sugar ground to a fine powder. I think it may be called icing sugar in other countries?

  71. Hi glory just wanted to let u know that your blog is amazing and I have never read a blog that is so detailed in answers and recipes !! It's a credit to you! :-)

  72. mrs. andrew timothy smithMay 19, 2012 at 2:33 PM

    this has to be the best frosting i have ever tasted!! my family LOVES it! thank you for giving me a sweet way to make my family smile!!

    -bri'anna from seattle

  73. Have just made 50 of your chocolate cupcakes for christening party, half iced with vanilla, half iced with chocolate cream cheese frosting. It' s my first time making/frosting cupcakes and they turned out great! Thank you for the recipes and such detailed instructions and tips, I could not have done it without you! Some notes for other UK bakers and 1st timers, 1 stick butter = 113g. 4 cups icing sugar looks way too much but stick with it! It is hard/messy to use electric hand mixer but it can be done, beat by hand a little first to stop covering kitchen in icing sugar! Lastly, don't overfill your icing bag or it will ooze out of the top :-)

  74. Hi there,
    I LOVE your site. I was just wondering approximately how many cupcakes can this recipe frost. Sorry if someone already asked this.

  75. Just wanted to say how much I love your site. Your chocolate cupcakes & chocolate frosting is sensational!!!! The cupcakes last for days too without drying out or going stale. I also doubled the recipe & made birthday cakes for my children last month!! What a winner they were! Thanks again for your wonderful site & for sharing your fantastic recipes!!! Happy Baking!

    Jen from Sydney, Australia

  76. Nice content, I trust this is a nice blog. Wish to see fresh content next time. Thanks for sharing this post with us. Keep it up.spice incense

  77. Okay, I've used this recipe three times now in two weeks and it's getting RAVES. I've done the vanilla and the chocolate, and today I made strawberry cupcakes and just replaced the vanilla with a packet of pink lemonade Kool-Aid and it's AWESOME.

    Thank you so much for sharing your recipes!

  78. After reading through the comments I'd like to offer a suggestion to the people with runny frosting. If you beat it for too long and on too high of a setting it may cause the frosting to break-down. I plan on trying this recipe for the first time this weekend, as I'm tired of the same old Wilton buttercream. Thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

  79. I just finished icing your vanilla cupcakes with this frosting. The icing looked so good I couldn't choose and used all three flavors- so pretty! The cupcakes turned out great- they didn't look as perfect as yours but the consistency is great- moist, chewy and very light. The icing is AMAZING! I will never make traditional buttercream again. It tastes divine and pipes very nicely. Just make sure you watch the liquid. I used about half of the milk for vanilla, none for the strawberry and a tiny bit for the chocolate. The vanilla was a perfect piping consistency but the chocolate and strawberry needed to be remixed with a little more milk. I didn't mind that since it is much easier to thin out than bulk up an icing. Thanks for the great recipes- they are going to be the hit of my daughter's ballet recital party today.

  80. I just posted about your cupcakes. I'm the one with the ballet recital party today. One thing I changed is instead of adding vanilla to the vanilla frosting, I used a bean. It looks so pretty with the little flecks in. That is all. Thank you!

  81. I'm making funfetti cupcakes. Which frosting do you think would taste the best?

  82. Use your vanilla cream cheese frosting recipe and I am thrilled! I have finally found a delicious frosting that is truly pipeable! I made the recipe per your instructions, and stopped adding cream when the consistency seemed right. In my case, that was only 1/2 T.! I had also added three drops of pink gel food coloring. I refrigerated the frosting and used it the next day. Piped like a dream with a Wilton M1 tip to make rose swirls and a #4 round for writing. I really think that using the butter when it's still pretty cold and the cream cheese right out of the fridge makes the difference. Can't wait to try the chocolate version. Thank you!

  83. Evening Glory ,
    your frosting recipe look yummy and i wanna try the chocolate one but I am confused alittle about the ingrediants .please advice me if we add also cream cheese like the vanilla recipe .thank you !

  84. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if I'm making the chocolate icing would I still add the vanilla extract? I'm looking forward to making this with your vanilla cupcakes!

  85. Hello I'm French . How many gramme corespond 4 cup of sugar? I don't know if you cup is a big one or his capacity....

  86. Hi Gloria
    I know you wrote this a while ago but I'm hoping you can help me.
    These cupcakes are exactly what I'm looking for!! Can you tell me how you got that exact color teal frosting? Do you have a pattern that I can print up to make the snowflakes? I love, love this cupcake!! They will go perfect with my daughter's sweet 16 theme "Winter Wonderland" next month!! Also, have you ever made the cupcak3s in advanced and stored them in the freezer for any length of time? I know I won't have a lot of extra time the week of the party and thought maybe I could make some things I advance.

  87. Which brand of cream cheese u have used
    From pakistan
