
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wedding Shower Lingerie Cookies

This past weekend I helped add some "sweet" details to a wedding shower my sister was hosting.  The fun theme my sister (Joy) came up with was "Linens and Lingerie".  As soon as she mentioned the theme, I knew exactly what I wanted to make as special favors, lingerie cookies!  I've been eyeing this cute corset shaped cutter (from Copper Gifts) for quite a while, and was excited to have a reason to order it.  I thoroughly enjoyed adding slightly different details to each cookie (27 total) and I'm quite happy with how they turned out.  A slight note... these are large cookies (about 4.5" tall), and require quite a bit of time to decorate.  Allow yourself plenty of time to enjoy the decorating process if you plan to give these a try.  

Here are some helpful links to get you started...
Royal Icing Recipe (and decorating tutorial)

I'll have some more pretty photos from the "Linens and Lingerie" shower later this week.

Happy Baking!


  1. These are so pretty Glory!
    Love the delicate patterns and colors are so wonderful together.

  2. Those are absolutely precious! great job :) I've royal iced and piped for a bridal shower & talk about aching hands!! But very cute outcome :)

  3. These may be the most stunning cookies I have ever seen. The details are beautiful.

  4. Oh So cute! I love them, LOVE the color!

  5. so pretty the details are just beautiful!

  6. Your lingerie cookies are beautiful!

  7. wow those are stunning!! The decorating is so beautiful. I am hosting a recipe party at my blog if you might be interested in submitting. I'd love to have you join in the fun :)

  8. These cookies are so beautiful and you did a terrific job! I love that cutter and have been tempted to order it. You have inspired me!

  9. The cookies were amazin Glory. Thank you so much for all you did. By the way, it was the bride who thought of the theme. =)

  10. I absolutely LOVE these!!!! You did a beautiful job Glory!!!

  11. Oh my goodness, they're FANTASTIC!!! When I grow up, I want to be a phenomenal cookie decorator just like you.


  12. Glory!!

    These are beyond gorgeous. ANd I LOOOVE all the PINK!!

  13. SO pretty! These must have taken you forever :) Almost too pretty to eat..ALMOST ;)

  14. so pretty !! love your creativity...rock on :D

  15. these are really gorgeous i wish i could bake!

    shel xx

  16. You did such a great job on these! They are to cute to eat! I'm sure your sister was happy to have these for the party! Love you!

  17. These are beyond pretty! They're also fun, a bit sexy... and so beautiful! <3, Lovella Bridal

  18. Absolutely amazing!

    Emily P. :)

  19. Awesome design! I wonder if you have more recipes like this one!

  20. Just gorgeous! What color pink is the brightest shade (third on the top row)?

  21. There is one of the best selling lingerie website , very many styles, good quality and cheaper prices.
