
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Please come in for a little chat...

I often wish I could sit down and share a treat and some milk with each of you, but I'm not sure I could afford all the butter!  I truly appreciate each of you who read this blog, and even take the time to comment occasionally.  I am constantly thinking of ways to improve this site, and I would love some feedback from you!  Would you do me the favor of answering a short survey about Glorious Treats?  I can pay you in cupcakes!

I've closed and removed the survey.  I really appreciate all of the wonderful feedback.  In fact I was blown away and really encouraged by so many positive comments!  Thank you!  I am always open to input, so feel free to leave comments here (or on any post), if you have ideas, suggestions, or feedback.


  1. Survey answered. I love your site!

    Neko_unit02 @ if you have any questions

  2. There are those milk bottles again! Where do I get them?!?

  3. There, now that our little chat is done let me tell you how much I enjoy dropping by your site. Always fun.

  4. I love your talent & I love that you always link to others. You're such a "giver"! I answered the survey.

  5. Ok, I answered, now where are my cupcakes?! ;) Love the blog--it's always interesting and contains some of the most beautiful (and delicious) photos I've ever seen!

  6. Thanks so much ladies!
    Danielle- The bottle were a gift from an Australian friend. Apparently they are sold in the grocery store with juice in them. You can find a few similar ones at from Sharnel Dollar Design (Australian) or Shop Sweet Lulu (US)

  7. those milk bottles are too cute! plus i like your site a lot so I took your survey :)

  8. Survey complete! I absolutely live your site!

  9. Survey complete! When I saw and learned the definition of 'blog crush', I thought of Glorious Treats! I really anticipate your posts.

  10. Did the survey-look forward to checking your site every day

  11. I took the survey and it was tough! Thanks for the lil' chat! I love your site and everything that you put in/on it.


  12. Survey complete! Your blog is great.:))

  13. Survey done, I don't think I would change anything, your blog provides inspiration, ideas and is just great. thanks

  14. I missed your survey but I love your site. You are talented in so many ways. Your treats, the photography, your generosity, and your site is light and beautiful. I especially loved the tribute to your mother. You are very inciteful and YES she is beautiful.
