
Monday, April 25, 2011

Grace's Birthday Cake

We recently celebrated my oldest daughter's 7th birthday.  In our house we have "big" parties every other year (last year was Grace's big year).  This year, we celebrated with a simple homemade cake, decorated with chocolate rocks by Grace.  The "rocks" were in keeping with the theme for the day, which included going to an indoor rock climbing gym, along with two friends.  I enjoyed the freedom of a very simple birthday and took pleasure in adding just a few stylish details... pretty candles, mini milk bottles and fun straws.
I guess now that her "small" birthday year has passed, I get to start planning for a "big" party next year!  I already have a few ideas...

Tall candles- Sur la Table
Mini milk bottles- Mine were a gift from a friend, similar available from Sharnel Dollar Design.
Blue striped straws- Garnish.


  1. I love the simplicity of the cake. I also love the birthday banner in the background. Did you make it or buy it?

  2. Very simple a sweet. I love Grace's additions!

  3. Happy Birthday to Grace!

    She and I must have really close-together birthdays! Mine was Easter this year... lol!

  4. Just lovely! And I think I need to take a leaf out of your book - parties every second year sounds like a good idea!

  5. YOu even manage to make the small parties amazing. The cake is gorgeous! I REALLY miss you. This early to bed thing is bad for us =) Loving the blue cake stand. ♥ Glory-bee. Date night soon!!! =)

  6. It's all so lovely! We just did the same thing, keeping it small, sweet, and simple this year for Reese's birthday, and it was great! Happy Birthday Grace!

  7. I love the banner in the background and the cake looks tasty! I must have just missed that party....
    Love, Cecilia

  8. How yummy looking! I love your blog!! I have a question.. How do you get black and brown royal icing? I end up using the entire bottle of gel color.. am I doing something wrong? is there a trick? You're advice would be great!

  9. Joy- The banner I found at Target on clearance for around $2.00! =)

    Tyler,Caitlin and Leo-
    Add some coloring to your icing and then cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for a while. After may 1/2 hour, add some more coloring until you have almost (but not quite) the color you want. Then let the icing sit again (even overnight). The color will develope over time, and will require much less dye than if you try to color it all at once.

  10. Where did you get this blue cake stand?
