
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Glorious Truth

(Above- one of my earliest cupcake photos, I was very proud of these at the time)

I'm a perfectionist.  A grade of an 'A-' is almost the same as an 'F' to me.  I almost never feel pretty enough, thin enough, talented enough, good enough...  I usually assume everyone else has it all together, and since I don't... I must be doing it all wrong.  Some of these thoughts are just part of my wiring... and many are thanks to the society we live in.  Our entire economic system is completely dependant on everyone being so dissatisfied with their life that we have to always be buying things that will surely help us be thinner, prettier, more organized, more popular, happier.

I think women are particularly hard hit with this... we are all convinced that other women are prettier than us, smarter than us, better wives, better moms... you name it!

I've realized overtime that in some small way I may be simply another voice in your head reminding you that you are not good enough... your cupcakes don't look like mine, your parties don't look like mine, your photos aren't as pretty as mine...

Today I want that to stop!

No one is perfect, and that certainly includes me!  Can I make pretty cupcakes?  Yes.. but that's not the whole picture.   When I post a photo on this blog you don't see that my kitchen that looks like a bomb just went off... You don't know that my family had pizza for dinner because I spent all day making pretty cookies...  You didn't hear me snapping at my little girls to get away from my project.

Please consider that I'm only showing you what I want you to see!  You don't see the cookies I've made that are ugly.  Yes, ugly... I assure you that not everything I touch turns out beautiful!  More than once, I have put an entire batch of cookies or cupcakes right into the trash!  And, not every photo I take magically comes together the way I imagined.  For that matter, when I post two or three photos of a project, those are out of a set of maybe 40 photos.  Not to mention, I often use Photoshop to enhance the lighting, and have even been know to edit out a misplaced sprinkle or two!

So, just for today I want you to see me in a bit more realistic light....

Here I am (with hubby) in my gourmet kitchen...

Don't we look glamorous?  =)

And here are some of the less than "glorious" treats I've made over the years.  Granted,  I don't take photos of projects I'm really not happy with, so these are sort of the best of the worst  =).  This may be the one and only time I post 100% un-edited photos! 

Not exactly photos you'll see on the cover of a magazine anytime soon, right?  =)

I do hope that my pretty photos (the ones I usually post) are a source of inspiration for you, but I never want anyone to read my blog and feel that they are somehow lacking.  Every person on earth has so many wonderful strengths, please don't expect that yours should be exactly the same as mine.  And don't be discouraged by the well lit, cropped, and edited version of my life that I usually show you... it's not the whole picture!

Baking, party planning, crafting... these should be fun activities!  Allow yourself to enjoy the process, regardless of the end results.

I have spent the past several years baking hundreds and thousands of cookies, cupcakes and treats.  They don't all come together perfectly, but in the end most of them are eaten, enjoyed and then I get to "practice" some more another day!

From one imperfect person to another...
Happy Baking!


  1. I appreciate this post sooo much! It's hard to remember the big picture/reality sometimes, and I (as most women do like you mentioned) constantly struggle with the comparison game. "I'm too ________ and not __________ enough." lol Love your blog and all that you share!!!

  2. Glory, I love that you posted this. I know just how you feel, and yes, I have compared my treats to yours(knowing mine aren't nearly as nice), and feel like you are the epitome of perfection! I really do think you have a special talent, but it makes me feel better that you have the same doubts that I do, and I'm sure everyone does. I have really wondered before if YOUR kitchen looks as bad as mine does after I am done baking something!! haha!! Your kindness and generosity has always shown through and I think you are "Glorious" just as you are, imperfections and all! Keep inspiring us!!

  3. Glory you are such a truly gorgeous and authentic person....I Love It!!!

    Great post and oh so very true.


  4. I would say I do think like that all the time! (even though I do know its not totally true!)

  5. This is, by far, the best post that I have ever read, on any blog ~ EVER!! You are such a wonderful, real person! BRAVO!

  6. This post is obviously from the heart and I loved reading it.We are all in this together and when we support each other, life tastes so much sweeter.

  7. This was just what I needed to read! How true it is! Thank you so much for posting this!

  8. You don't know how much I needed this, exactly today. So many nights I go to bed feeling so inadequate after reading on FB and the blogs about all the amazing parties that are hosted. Or when you post something you really are proud of and no one comments. But, at the end of the day, it's so important to realize that it's not for show, it's what makes us happy! Crafting, designing and hosting parties makes me happy!
    Love your honesty! and your gourmet kitchen!

  9. When I look at people, I look to their heart, the truth of who they are, I look for the I have seen a little more of you...and you are truly beautiful. Thank you, from my heart to yours. xx

  10. This just makes me love what you do and your blog even more! Thank you for this :)

  11. Great post! I love looking at your pretty pictures but I love these pictures even more!!!

  12. I LOVE this post!!! I wish I knew how to edit!?! :)

  13. Now that is the Glory that I know and love. Thanks for easing up on yourself and the rest of us. I love you.

  14. Glory. I love you for posting this. I do! You've spoken my heart and my insecurities in one beautifully written post. Thanks.

  15. Thanks for this post Glory. I do think you really understand what a lot of us out there are feeling. I still don't think I will ever get to the level of your baked goods but at least I have fun trying. Baking and decorating is what gives me pleasure- unfortunately I don't do it enough because I simply have no one to give it to and leaving it for me and hubby to eat would be disastrous! Thanks agian for your insights and keep on doing what you're doing.

  16. Thanks! Well said, well received, much appreciated.

  17. Glory,

    You are an inspiration to me in so many ways. This was a fantastic post and really "spoke" to me. You Rock!

  18. Thank you! This post makes you more of an inspiration

  19. Oh my, think I love you just a little more now. Thankyou. Whats good to know is that we all feel the same. I kept tidying my house to distraction after visiting a tidy (not going out to work) neighbour, then realised that she was slowly doing things that I do and thus becoming less show houses and more homey house.

  20. This was a wonderful, inspiring post. Thank you!!

  21. Glory-I'm new to your blog and so glad I arrived on a day when you posted such a wonderful post! I was just talking to a cookie friend about this very thing a few days ago! So glad you feel the same! We ALL look at other's posts and pictures and think "Oh no! How am I going to acheive something as good as that!!" I know I do.

    A batch of cookies I made a few weeks ago were these red, yellow, black & white flowers and butterflies. Halfway through I got up, said something less than lady-like and was going to throw them out! I was tired and thought they looked terrible and too bold.
    Hub asked what was so wrong. He liked them. I told him about every mistake on them -how so-n-so could do way beter thin black lines--and he just said, "They look happy." So, I didn't throw them out. The customer loved them and I posted them and people thought they were nice. I decided I liked them, too :) We are our own worst critics!!
    Karen ( SugarDeaux Cookies & Cakes)
    Come join me on my FB page!!!/pages/SugarDeaux-Cookies-Cakes/116436868378248

  22. Up untill now I have rather envied you (not nice I know) but I am so glad that have the same fears, reservations and doubts and that you posted them. It makes many od us feel better.

  23. Oh my goodness- you are a true GEM! What a wonderful, heartfelt blogpost. One that made me smile from start to finish. You hit the nail on the head about us all doubting ourselves. On a day when I wasnt the greatest parent, or friend, or cook, I really needed your post. Thankyou so much for you post and for your fabulous blog. Katrina xx

  24. Indeed!! Thank you for this honest & transparent post. I too am learning to embrace my imperfections.
    However, truth be told, your "best of the worst" are fabulous in my amateur eyes. Your creations are always inspiring, even if we don't always see the "mishaps".

  25. Glory....thank you for being so honest and real. It helps every one of us remember the truth.

    As a blogger, I know it is so easy to "hide" behind the blog curtain and only say things and show photos that "look" flawless or much more perfect than they really are. And as a result, it cultivates dissatisfaction all around.....including in me. In actuality, *I* can't be who I portray on my blog. lol Kind of interesting.

    Thanks for the reminder and for driving me to be thankful for my REAL life and all the things that God has blessed me with. You are a true inspiration in a multitude of ways. Hugs to you!

  26. A beautiful post and so true! We often forget to realize that on the internet people only allow us to see what they want us to see. We all try so hard to be perfect and forget to have fun! Thank you for sharing all that you do! :)


  27. Jody (east coast cookies)March 10, 2011 at 5:23 AM

    Glory - Thanks for keeping it 'Real'!
    I definitely am one of those who thinks I'm *not pretty enough, thin enough, happy enough, wealthy enough etc'. Too often I think I (unconsciously) take myself out of situations/opportunities due to feelings of inadequacy.
    It's great to see pics of others that we 'aspire' to and realize they're no different than us.

    Thanks for the reality check!

  28. Everyone has a place in this world and a role. Whatever yours is, embrace it. No one else can be you!It's easy to focus on the negative things surrounding us when the world is going at this crazy pace. Focus on the positive always rather than "I'm too short." Think "I can wear 5" heels!!!"

    I love everything you make and the first cupcake picture... mighty fine!

  29. This was such perfect timing for this post. Now, if only I could take it to heart. I'm just a hobbyist cookie maker/baker, and that is all I ever want to be, but reading your blog and others makes me sometimes just want to quit. Like, I KNOW I'll never have the creativity to come up with these brilliant ideas...but when I make cookies (with borrowed ideas) and they don't even compare, it is soooo discouraging. So, thanks for this post.

  30. Thank you for sharing your "true self" with us. LOVE this post.

  31. Pretty awesome, you are a good woman. Thank you for everything you do.

  32. Oh, Glory! I literally am borderline teary reading this, and yes, true, I may be highly emotional, but what a candid, beautiful, and SO TRUE post. I, literally, could have written that entire thing because I feel the exact same way. You're one of the most amazing women I've come to know. So glad we connected! xo

  33. I have been there! I always felt that way until my most perfect friend (beautiful, wealthy, perfect marriage, fabulous home, amazing job), during a girls beach trip, confessed that she was thin due to anorexia, her gorgeous diamonds were all fakes, she hated her husband, had lots of affairs, and horrible debt. Boy, did I learn an important lesson about how I had been looking at others! I no longer assume everyone else lives a great life and now just focus on making mine great. No more comparing myself to others!!! Wonderful post! And I like your "imperfect" creations. They look great to me!!

  34. Thank you for this post! Thank you for sharing your heart and the fruits of your labor. Love your blog, can't help but be happy when I read it :)

  35. At 54 (will be 55 in June) I'm a novice baker and I'm just starting to create my blog. As such, I'm just beginning to photograph what I've been baking and I've been pulling my hair out because none of my photos are "good enough". I appreciate your honesty posting what you did, and I hope it will give you some pleasure to know that because of what you posted you have helped me to not be so hard on myself. Sometimes being a perfectionist comes down to getting stuck and being tempted to give up. Your words inspire me to keep the faith that I will improve and that "perfection" isn't the end goal. Thank you!

  36. WONDERFUL post...thanks for making me feel it's ok if things don't come out perfect! Love all your post, I don't bake much but love reading about all the treats you make and love the pictures..the failures look A+ to me!

  37. I love this post. I feel so much better and useful. Thank you Glory (of Love)

  38. Well, I liked you before. But I REALLY like you now! Thank you for the beauty you bring into our lives, and the reality of it all too.

  39. great post. as women, we need to stop beating ourselves up. it's hard enough to be a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, worker. Women need to raise each other up, not tear each other down. don't we do cookies, cakes, parties, deocrating for fun, not competition? thanks for making us realize to step back and love ourselves a little more.

  40. I believe "comparison" to be one of the greatest weapons of mass destruction in satan's arsenal, especially among women. Thank you so much for sharing your heart!

  41. Best post that I've ever read of anyone ever. Thanks so much for reminding us that we are so much harder on ourselves than anyone else ever would be. Like you said, we all have special God given talents and while we might think we are lacking, we are often inspiring others. Thanks so much for the beautiful post!

  42. Wonderful post - heartfelt and transparent! Love ALL the photos and your great posts.

  43. GLory you are too wonderful and pure, what a beautiful woman REALLY look like... to ever come close to not being enough...even what you might see as faults you use to bolster the world. SUch a fabulous post!!! LOVE you!!! PS Come over here and influence my children!!! haha

  44. Thanks for this post. Though your blog is a wonderful source of inspiration and I love your beautiful photography as much as anyone, it's easy to forget that you're a mere mortal like the rest of us. Thanks for the reminder, from one perfectionist to another, because sometimes we all need that little reassurance.

  45. Hi,

    I never comment because my English is not the best, but I want to thank you for this post, very thoughtful.

  46. Your honesty is spot on! I think us women like to think and act like we all have it together but add in blogging to our already huge list and we all tend to snap at our kids! Your creations are perfection and don't doubt yourself as I can imagine you are doing a great job. You are very talented.

  47. Oh, Glory! I just adore you!! Thank you for such a great post and for sharing whats in your heart!! You made so many women smile today!!

  48. I love this post Glory. You've inspired me to do one similar soon.
    You are such a gorgeous soul. Can't wait to see you again real soon.

  49. Glory, this is honestly your best post, ever!

  50. Thankyou for this post , its perfect and just im sure what alot of us needed to hear :0) I never thought you did anything baking wise that wasnt perfection x

  51. Amen! Such a great post---me & my fish sticks & pizza eating family can so relate! :0) I also take 50 pictures of the same plate of cupcakes, and often shoot videos in the kitchen just to the left of where the bomb exploded :0)!!

  52. Oh... how much do I love this??? More than any words can ever say!!! Thank you for being so real!! I just love you more...

  53. I think that is, perhaps, one of my favourite EVER posts. So honest. So, thank you. My friends nicknamed me the perfectionist confectionist and I am. It drives me insane. Thank you for a wonderful, honest, funny post. Seriously!

  54. Hi there. Just wanted to let you know that when I read this post, I cried. Thank you for writing it. i personally, really appreciated it.

  55. Great Post.. We are our own worst crytic. My sister always said I was the prettiest (because I am skinny) and the best cook, yes I spend a lot of time in the kitchen but like you won't use it if it does not look good, and I have the 'time' to be patient in the kitchen! On the other hand I think she is smarter and more creative. But as I you get older, I believe we become wiser and more accepting. My 6yr old niece said to me one day (on a cooking visit to my place) 'You are a great cook, and I don't get to spend time in the kitchen with my Mum. But she can cook really great when she has the time & is patient in the kitchen' Chldren have such wisdom, what happens to that when we grow up & start beating ourselves up??

  56. Inspiring post as always but for a different reason. Thank you for sharing the real you.

  57. what everyone else has said!! THE ABSOLUTE BEST POST! It really is about how much fun goes into making and creating whatever it is .. be it cookies, cakes, party planning, etc. AND when we all can come together as women, Moms, wifes and support each .. that is what its about..not the comparison!! Amen!! You truly are Glorius!!!! Thank you!!

  58. Best post EVER,Glory! Thank you!!!

  59. I look at your website several times a week. This post has made me your A#1 fan. I DO look at all the treats and think i'll never be that good. This has given me the Ok to try anyway. Thanks :)

  60. I loved this post and your pic in the kitchen was SOOO appreciated! I would LOVE a behind the scenes, REAL look at the lives of some of the party girls I follow. There is so much pressure to outdo one another it seems, when the reality is no one 'has it all' 100% of the time! You brought a human element to this and put a real face on it, thank you.

  61. Thanks you so much for this post and reminding us that we all have strengths and weaknesses!

  62. gives me hope and encouragement to keep on dreaming and practicing!! Thank you so much!!

  63. You are always amazing and wonderful to me!
    Love you!

  64. Your candid expression to let us readers, fellow bakers and entrepreneurs in to who you are and the core of what you do, touches and moves me more than you know. All I can say is...thank you, thank you, thank you! It warms my heart and has literally moved me to tears. Individual use blogging as a platform for a variety of things. I am OVERJOYED to know that my imperfectly perfect life and blog is not the only one.

  65. That post brought tears to my eyes...thank you for keeping it real :)

  66. I had tears in my eyes whilst reading this post, thank you so much! I am trying to start my own cupcake business and have only had 1 order. I didnt think it went that well so I am ready to give up but this post has helped me to see its not the end of the world.
    Thank you!!!

  67. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! xoxoxoxox

  68. Thank you for the reality check! This was great!

  69. oh my these are simply divine!! Love all your yummy cupcakes.
    I'm a new baker and looking for inspiration and know for sure that I found it here!! I'm your 2,140 follower!!

    Happy Baking!!
    Yaneri from Sweet Bakes Of Mine

  70. You are crazy! You are so super talented and just like you said, no one is perfect! I went through the same thing you did and that's without a husband. So, you are already one up on me. :) I know what it's like to be your worst critic...but you are a phenomenal decorator and I'm sure if I knew you in real life I'd want to be your friend! Love the Easter Cupcakes and the Onsies.

  71. Oh how cure your kid looks with the cake!

  72. I just wanted to say you got a lovely family activity.

  73. Glory! What a treasure you are!
    How incredible to 'expose' your true self to all of us and show that we are really all the same, deep down.
    This truly makes us realize what is really important. Thank you, my friend!

  74. Glory you are such a truly gorgeous person, love your post!

  75. I enjoyed this post. If before and I liked his work, now I appreciate much more, for their sincerity by having CoML is truly what it costs you some pictures come out perfect ... etc ...
    Many hugs from Barcelona! Montse

  76. wow, i thought i worked @ my blog,lol,i take 3-5 pics & put up the best. i have made food i wouldnt add a pic 2(my moms baked beans) because altho they didnt get mushy like i like them,lol. anyways ive made plenty of crappy looking food in my 46 years,but it all tasted yummy,well most of it anyways.i love that u strive 4 perfection. so i like what u said. btw u & ur family look like very nice people.

  77. Glory,
    I have so much respect for you and your courageous post. How selfless of you. You could have tried to deceive us into your "perfect-ness", yet chose not to. Your honesty will inspire many people to attempt your creations knowing that failing is part of the process and all ok. Thank you on behalf of many women.


  78. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You'll never know what your comments meant to me today.

  79. What a beautiful post, I could have written that post verbatim! Even your kitchen looks like mine! I too burn cookies (especially macarons lol) have had cakes sink, cupcakes look ugly and icing melt and like you I also only show my best work.
    Maybe we should have a "show us your disaster" or tell us "your worst flop" lol
    Thank you so much for sharing, I now feel normal ;-)

  80. What a lovely post. I now feel a bit better about my Hydrangea Cupcakes that were rechristened "Impressionist Monet cupcakes" because they weren't quite as stunning as yours.

    Keep up the lovely work and we will dream of a life that is perfect behind the facade but secretly sigh with relief over the truth :)

  81. Thank you for this wonderful post. It was the kick in the pants I needed to get back on track with my own blogging :
    Love your work!
    Di-licious xxx

  82. I want to THANK YOU! To me, this post is much, much, much more than about baking. I too am a working mom with 2 small kids and i think we all have a tendency to be hard on ourselves. I loved your "regular" pics just as much as I loved your glamour shots. :-)
    We are all wonderfully made and I just want you to know how much this post touched me. I am skimming through the comments and i see everyone feels the same. You are the best and I think everyone on here agrees!!!!!!!

  83. LOL I have to say though... I think those little grassy Easter ones are ADORABLE!!

  84. I can't tell you how appreciative I am for this post. I work at a hospital for girls with eating disorders, and perfectionism is rampant! Just as you wrote, everyone else has their lives together, everyone else is thinner, smarter, better.

    These thoughts plague my girls every day. It consumes them. So when I read your post, it touched my heart that you would overcome your own tendency to show us only the perfect pictures to show us the real you.

    Now I can't wait to read this to my patients. haha, how funny is that? Bringing in a reading from a baking blog to the eating disorder unit?? :)

  85. Loved this post! It helps keep things into perspective. Thank you! You are still a great source of baking inspiration for me!

  86. that is a lovely post - you have a very big heart as well as great skills - love seeing your work and your beautiful family - best le

  87. you throw good food in the trash?! now i like this post, but why throw away perfectly fine (ugly) cookies? they are edible no? there are so many people in this world who eat nothing but a cup of rice a day and you throw away some cookies because they...
    you get my point! :)
    don't do it again..

  88. Wow. I just came by your blog for the 1st time today (via my good friend and fellow quad-mama, Charity Donovan). My friend wanted me to see the AWESOME hydrangea cupcakes you came up with. Very impressive, by the way. I started looking at your site and fell more and more in love, because I have recently started making fun cupcakes after obtaining the book, "What's New, Cupcake?"... or something along those lines (I made the caramel fortune cookies and fruit roll-ups made into roses designs). But, I digress. This post stopped me in my tracks.

    I'm not normally one who comments on other people's blogs, esp those I don't know personally, but I felt you deserved all the recognition and kudos for a job well done and a feeling well-stated. As evidenced by the fact you're STILL getting comments on this so long after the fact, I'd say you did something right!! Except that last person who scolded you for throwing out ugly cookies. What a tool.

    Thank you for your candor....and great ideas!


  89. Oh, and keep up the good work!

    Moni (again)

  90. Thank you all for your wonderful comments!
    Moni- Your comment is especially sweet and thoughtful (and funny!), thank you!

  91. Simply said - THIS is a Perfect Post! :) Thank you for sharing, because it is how most of us feel and you hit the nail on the head. This shows us that the project CAN look this pretty - Maybe not all 12 cupcakes - and we've all been there. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For your inspiration, your honesty and your direction on how to achieve these little masterpieces. :)

  92. The naked truth! It's beautiful. If I can stop snooping around your site I may actually get to posting my version of your hydrangea's today. I'm such a procrastinator.

  93. Thanks so much for this lovely post. It was very encouraging!

  94. Thanks so much for this lovely post. It was very encouraging!

  95. i love this post...something I can relate too...

  96. From a new reader... this is a great post. Thank you for your honesty!

  97. Just discovered your blog yesterday! Discovered this post today! I SO needed to read this! Thank you for being so honest. I plan on spending a lot of time here, your work is beautiful! You are already an inspiration to me!! :) Blessings....

  98. A truly inspiring blog entry my dear Glory! I think I have finally come across that one blogger who is out there writing for us! Thank you Thank you for this beautiful, thoughtful post and your honesty! NOW I truly feel that I can get up and do better after messing up! I pray that god always guide your hand and heart with love! Blessings!

  99. Thanks for this VERY important reminder! You just made me want to try a new dessert recipe tonight!! You are the best kind of teacher...real, honest, and encouraging! (I try to be that way in my classroom too.)

  100. Just read this and it made my day. I read different blogs and think this ladies must have it all together & with their gourmet kitchens. Thank you for the reality check you just gave me. I love your blog and one that I refer to alot. I may not post comments but I read it almost on a daily basis. Tonight I'm thinking I will try the Piña Colada cupcakes. I've been craving them for a while but today I will treat myself to them. Thank you again for taking time out of your busy day to do this blog! God bless!

  101. Wow! Thanks so much for that. I really want to appreciate all the beautiful things you do without hating you or hating myself. And, oh yeah, your ugly things are way beautiful!

  102. Love this post! I have to remember to come back when I feel (name whatever) and lift my spirit... you are a beautiful soul, Glory!

  103. This is a wonderful post, all bloggers should read this! Thanks for the inspiration! And I know exactly what you mean about only letting people see what you want them to see. I have a picture somewhere on my blog (I'll never say where) and the trash can is in the background, lol, but I had to use the picture! I have since moved the location of that can so it'll never show up again, hopefully.

  104. i am naturally a big cry baby, with no exception when i read this post. i am always feeling this way but i strive to be the best i can. i always put on the happy face to go along with the pretty cake, when inside im crying about how many times i failed and why it doesnt look like the picture online. thank you so much for this post! it is amazing to hear these things coming from somebody else. much love!

  105. I appreciate this post, too, believe me! I was feeling exactly how you described, imagining that you have this fabulous perfect life and take such beautiful gorgeous pictures of it; all "so much better than me." You really made my day. With your talents, inspiration AND honesty! Your friend, CatherineTodd2 at gmail dot com.

  106. What a great post! So honest, and important for everyone to hear. I do LOVE the pretty pics :)

  107. Glory, thanks for this post. I'm so glad I just discovered you! I just spent the last half hour looking, browsing through your blog and being blown away by your talent. I love baking, party planning and making cute little things for my daughter. Sometimes I even surprise myself on how well they turn out and others.... well, not so much. I always thought pretty things came out of Martha Stewart like kitchens and craft rooms. Thank you for sharing with us that you don't need grand to create grand.
