
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Glorious Year

After a nice Christmas break (partially forced due to the computer being in the shop a full week!), I'm ready to work on some new projects, dig through my ever growing pile of "recipes to try" and share my adventures with you along the way!
But before we dive into the new year, I'm taking a little look back at some of my favorite treats and projects of 2010....

(Click on the title, not the photo to view the post)

Easter Cupcakes with  Ribbon Toppers

Vintage Pastel Dessert Table

Did you see your favorite in the bunch? 
I'd love to hear what your favorite posts are.  Are they... Fancy desserts?  Simple treats?  Cute crafts? Cupcakes? Cookies?  Parties?

I'm planning a new year with a little of each of those and I hope you'll come along, and invite your friends!

Wishing you a Glorious New Year!


  1. I loved the vintage pastel dessert table and the hydrangea cupcakes posts. So inspiring!

  2. The Sweet Strawberry Party is inspiring! My daughters birthday is coming up in January (eeeek, is it really just two weeks?!) and I am in desperate need of ideas! Keep the cute ideas coming!

  3. What an amazing display of should be very proud of yourself!

  4. I loved everything!
    Congratulations for your creativity and thank you for share it with us!
    Best wishes.

  5. The hydrangea cupcakes are amazing!! What a talent you have!!

  6. I wish I had an ounce of your talent when it comes to decorating!! You work is amazing!!


  7. Gonna have to go the the Hydrangia cupcakes though all of the table spreads were tempting!

  8. You have such a lovely way with beauty. Wonderful pictures! Down right inspiring. Thank you!

  9. I'm going to be no use at all. I love everything. Cupcakes (as I'm a caker) are what truly interest me if I'm honest and I can only aspire to having a party table as beautiful as the ones you post. Keep up the good work. Incidently, I tried making the hydrangea cupcakes last night. Not good. Not good at all lol. x

  10. My favorites shown where the pastel table and the sweet strawberry one! You always make everything look so nice and I LOVE trying your recipes!

  11. Would you be surprised if I said cookies? Kidding, I love crafts, cookie crafts, AND cupcakes!!!

  12. It certainly was glorius! Everything you create is beatiful and inspiring.
    I look forward to following your blog into 2011.

  13. Welcome back after the Christmas break!
    Without a doubt my favourite would have to be the strawberry party. Love everything you did with it!
    Love all of your posts of course!

  14. Your creations are amazing. Wow! Love them ALL. Congrats on many great successes in 2010 and wishes for a wonderful 2011!

  15. those cupcakes are so pretty! how cute
    feel free to follow xxo

  16. Glory,
    I love how you are able to put your dessert tables together, with beautiful cookies, stylish cupcakes and cakes, your eye for pretty is always spot on.
    Happy New Year.

  17. wow as a new follower I am LOVING this look back
