
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Sweet Week in San Francisco

I'm home tonight from a five day visit to San Francisco.  I'm a native Californian, so I've been to San Francisco several times before, but this trip was extra special!  The five days were spent shopping, eating, chatting, and then a bit more shopping and eating!  I shared this wonderful week with Sharnel of My life my loves, a beautiful friend whom I met (on the internet) several years ago through our mutual love of cupcakes and pretty things.  Although I've considered Sharnel a true friend (much more than just an internt acquaintance) for quite a while, we've never met in person.  Sharnel flew from her home in Australia this past week and we enjoyed a whirlwind tour of San Francisco.  I have LOTS of fun photos to share (that I'll include in a few future posts), but I'll start with a little overview.... 

Here is Sharnel (on the left) and I just hours after first meeting in person.  We enjoyed a lunch down on Fisherman's Wharf.  Sharnel enjoyed the traditional sea side lunch, clam chowder in a fresh sourdough bread bowl. 

Throughout our visit we enjoyed the beautiful and unique architecture and scenery of San Francisco....

We also enjoyed a few sweets along the way...

And rounded out the sweets with a few other yummy foods...

We also did LOTS of fun shopping...

(Above) We enjoyed a stop at Paper Source after sharing a beautiful lunch with Becca of Birthday Girl, and Michelle of Cakewalk (more photos of our visit with these lovely ladies in a future post).

(Below)  One of the stops on our "must see" list included a gorgeous ribbon store... Sharnel and I went nuts in this store ohh-ing and ahh-ing.

That's all from our trip for tonight.  I'll be sharing more photos in future posts.  We found a few really special places I'll look forward to sharing!  I had such a wonderful time with Sharnel, a beautiful person inside and out.  Not to mention, incredibly talented, kind, genuine and down right hysterical... this girl has an amazing sense of humor!  But I am also glad to be home... somehow my town feels more like "home" than ever, my husband looks cuter than ever (I wanted to say sexier than ever, can I say that?) and my children seem extra angelic. 
Home sweet home. 


  1. Sounds like a great adventure.
    Glad to hear you had a wonderful time
    Love those ribbons.

  2. Glad you had fun! The food looks beautiful, particularly those cakes. And I love the houses in San Fransico; they're so grand!

  3. My hometown! You captured some key finds in beautiful pics! Glad you had fun, yours is a nice story:)

  4. Oh Glory it sounds positively wonderful, so so happy you had a fabulous time. Can't wait to hear more!!

  5. Cant wait to have Sharnel home to hear all about it too!

    So glad you had a great time. Looks like heaps of fun was had!


  6. Oh how fun!! I have a few internet friends I've never met...makes me want to plan a trip to meet them : )

  7. I love SF! I always stuff my face silly of such good food there. And those papers & ribbons! i probably would have tried to rob the whole store.

  8. Sounds wonderful GLory...I wish I could have joined you, I hope we can meet up someday. I love SF, there is just not place quite like it in my opinion! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics...also, could you tell whre you went in those pics?? I'd love to know, esp. that bakery!

  9. Looks like you had a wonderful time... How great that you could get together!! I cant wait to hear more!

  10. So glad you had fun! You look gorgeous in that picture with her. Looking forward to hearing more about it and seeing more of your great shots!

  11. I live very close to SF but it seems like you are a world away when you go into the city. There is always something wonderful to see and I think it is fabulous you got to share it with a great friend. You both are lovely.

  12. Looks sooooo fun!!! and YUMMY! hehe!

  13. Well, I'm glad you 'enjoyed' it! haha Just teasing you...but really Glory, you all need to give this story to Robin Jones Gunn to write another Sister Chicks book...Sister chicks on the loos in San Fran!! Love the shots and all you did and that you got such a great trip in!! Missing you! ITs been you still want this trike??

  14. Ok Glory, you MUST post the names of the ribbon shop and the cake shop! I want to go there when we come up in next month.
    Love, Cecilia

  15. Thanks ladies for all the sweet comments, it really was a special trip! And don't worry I will be giving you every detail on the wonderful places we went. I'll include the details in a couple different upcoming posts (over the next couple weeks).

  16. Your photos are wonderful! I am orginally from NorCal and you have me missing home. Thanks for sharing. :D

  17. Oh I had so much fun too Glory! Still recovering from all the late nights! Chatting and chatting forever. xx
