
Thursday, September 23, 2010

7 Random Things

One of my blogging friends, Tracey Lau, recently tagged me in a little game called "7 Random Things".  I don't normally post "random" things on this blog, but I thought I could make an exception just this once.  I mean, how can I say no to a person who is so incredibly talented that she can...

take photos like this...

make desserts like these...

and set up a dessert table like this...

You see, I just couldn't say no to a woman like that!

So here are 7 random things about me...

1.  I married my high school sweetheart, and 13 years later am still very glad I did!

2.  I'm 5'11" tall, and have been since I was 13... yes, the phrase "jolly green giant" was tossed my way a time or two.

3.  I was homeschooled until 8th grade... and I think I turned out pretty o.k.  =)

4.  I am currently training for a marathon (my first, and most likely only!).  Last week I ran 10 miles (at once!) for the first time. When I started training in January, I couldn't run 1/2 mile.  I don't look like a "runner", but that may have something to do with my other hobby... baking cupcakes!  

5.  I made my own wedding dress... hey, these are supposed to be "random" so that's what I'm doing! 

6.  My favorite indulgences (to buy)... Starbucks, ribbon, cake stands, glassybaby.

7.  I won first place (and $50.00!) at the county fair when I was 12 for a homemade Lemon Meringue Pie.  And again the next year for a Chocolate cake.

That's it!  Seven random things.  If you enjoyed them, you can thank Tracey.  If not, well I promise I'll get back to sweets, crafts, recipes and parties next week. 
Either way, do yourself a favor and head over to Tracey's blog, Tracey Lau- Art & Soul, it's full of all things sweet and beautiful.  

Have a great weekend!

* All photos in this post by Tracey Lau, and are being used with permission *


  1. I love that I knew ALL of those seven things!
    Love you!

  2. Thank you honey, you're very generous ♥. So lovely to learn more about you...and I am so putting in my order for a Lemon Meringue Pie for when we meet in person...first place whoo hoo!

  3. I love that you made your own wedding dress. Can we see a picture of it?

  4. I'm like Cecilia - it just made me feel really good that I knew those things about you. I think your "followers" will enjoy the tidbits you shared!

  5. so neat that you made your own wedding dress....loved reading your list

  6. Love knowing more about you Glory, thanks for posting this and sharing yourself!

  7. Great photos and words. I love the white, so pretty.

    Plan B
